Learning - Mastery v/s Performance

Wed, 08/24/2016 - 01:23 -- admin

As long time QWiz.Me! users know, we set out to build a training app in the style of Kumon. Incremental/ Adaptive learning. Practice to achieve mastery. But that isn’t the right style for all students. There are students that want to get to the same goal (say be a wizard at Spelling Bee), but believe they are ready for the test.

Everybody should set goals. However, what a lot of people do not understand is that the kind of goals you set could have a significant impact on your long-term performance.

The most elementary type of goal is a performance goal. These goals could be great for the short term; however they also have a few downsides. Performance goals are quite shallow. If you needed to cheat, at the least you still reach your goal. If you made mistake in the process, well you still reach your quota. Performance goals as well tend to weaken long term performance. If you reach your primary goal, you then become less encouraged to continue toward excellence. And if you do not hit your primary goal, you then become de-motivated and discouraged simply because your self-worth is dependent on external inputs.

Behavioral Research workers have discovered that mastery goals tend to be more effectual because your fulfillment isn’t associated with external indicators. Thus you are less apt to quit in hard circumstances, and you persist through setbacks. Mastery goals are usually just out of reach. This makes inspiration in the long run simpler to maintain. They are like a line that is asymptote. The shape of the line becomes closer to the end goal; however you never quite hit it. Often there is something to aim for.

Individuals who reach the peak of their skills hardly set performance goals. They are more enthusiastic about competing with them-selves, than attaining external feedback and validation. This perspective enables them to contend at a greater level over a longer time period. With Mastery goals there is always one thing to aim for. Even if it is as easy as being better at a thing tomorrow than you're today.

Features of Learners with Mastery vs. Performance Goals

Learners with Mastery Goals

  1. Are often more likely to have an interest in and intrinsically encouraged to learn Decide on tasks that increase opportunities for learning
  2. Believe competence grows with time through practice and effort Show more self-regulated behavior
  3. Make use of learning techniques that promote understanding
  4. Are usually more likely to undergo artistic change
  5. Seek opinions that correctly describes their capabilities and assist them improve
  6. Gladly collaborates with peers to improve learning Interprets failure as an indication to work harder
  7. Views mistakes as a usual part of learning and makes use of errors to progress
  8. Are pleased with performance so long as they make progress
  9. Usually tend to be passionate about school Included in college activities

Learners with Performance Goals

  1. Are often more likely to be extrinsically encouraged (i.e., encouraged by Anticipation of external development and punishment) and more Likely to cheat to acquire good grades
  2. Believe competence is a steady characteristic and believe that people should not need to try hard Exhibit much less self-regulation
  3. Select tasks that increase opportunities for displaying
  4. Utilize learning techniques that promote memorization and might waste more time
  5. Competence and stay away from tasks that can make them appear incompetent
  6. Respond to success on simple tasks with thoughts of pride or relief
  7. Sees failure as a symbol of lower ability and thus predictive of potential failure
  8. Sees errors as a symbol of failure and incompetence
  9. Tend to be more likely to distance them-selves from the college environment

QWiz.Me! has 3 distinct ways to determine your academic levels. Train, Test or Compete. In the train module, you can learn incrementally. The test module lets you determine your level. Compete module allows students to gauge their powers against others in the community